Justin Lin directs Keanu Reeves in ‘Brzrkr’

(Lear) Director Justin Lin on the “Fast Five” collection. Photo: International photos. (Right) Keanu Reeves in Docuseries Roku channel “Rua”. Photo: Rocco Channel.


  • Justin Lynn on the movie “Brzrkr”.
  • Keanu Reeves is a heroism as a character of the comic he created.
  • Mattson Tomlin wrote from the mother/Android the scenario.

Once again in 2021, Keanu Reeves added – there is no stranger to working on the screen thanks to the “Matrix” and “John Wick” movie series – another creative series to the bow via the title of the comic book “BRZRKR”, which first appeared in 2021 via Boom! Studios.


It has not yet been classified

Brutally epic epic around the battle of Khaled’s warrior, 80,000 years old throughout the ages. The man known only as “B” is half of the socks and half of God, cursed and compelled … Read the plot

Partial funding from the successful Kickstarter campaign, Al -Hazali is characterized by a very strong personality – which definitely looks like his creator – on his way through enemies while also thinking at the end of his immortal presence.

Reeves was always intended to adapt the comic book to the movies and beyond, and the big screen version took a big step forward as The Hollywood Reporter brings the word “Fast & Furious” in veteran franchise Gustin Lynn on board.

Related Article: Keanu Reeves and Gard Hollinger Talku Docuseries “visions”

What is the story of “Brzrkr”?

Brzrkr caricature. Photo: Boom! Studios.

Brzrkr caricature. Photo: Boom! Studios.

The official summary of the mud! The title is described as “a brutal epic with the battle of Khaled’s warrior for 80,000 years through the ages. The man known only as” B “is half of the socks and half of God, cursed and compelled violence, even in sacrificing his mind. But after wandering on the ground for several centuries, B may have finally found a shelter – working for the United States government to fight the battles very violent and very dangerous for anyone else. The only one he desires-the truth about his endless existence in the blood … and how to end it. ”

Reeves reached this concept and the story, and developed it with the artist Ron Jerney and the author of Eisner Matt Kent, who previously wrote titles for Marvel, DC, who was behind the comedy owned by creators “MGMT.”

The first number remains one of the best -selling comedies in the past decade, selling more than 600,000 copies. The same title has sold more than 3.5 million worldwide, including all the special issues and offers that were collected.

In 2024, it became a transverse novel entitled “The Book of Elseher”, written by China Miéville and Reeves, selling in the New York Times after published by Del Rey, a fingerprint of Penguin Random House, the publisher who also owns Boom!

Here is what Reeves told a crowd from Reeves in San Diego Comic Kon about his idea in 2022:

“I had this idea – I wanted a person to punch people through their chest and tear their arms. The idea of ​​a person was cursed by violence and trying to know who they were and how they became and a kind of restoring his humanity.

He also talked about both Vandom’s cartoons and his simplification in seeing his creation in printing:

“I was this child returning with the photo book bags, and it was always a good day. I was like,” I am a kind of adults, and this is the best Christmas ****** I have ******. “

Mattson Tomlin, who wrote the likes of “Project Power” and “Little Fish” and both the text “Android” and the mentors, is fine to deal with the “Brzrkr” scenario.

He was busy writing “The Batman 2” with Matt Reeves.

What happens with “Brzrkr”?

Brzrkr caricature. Photo: Boom! Studios.

Brzrkr caricature. Photo: Boom! Studios.

In addition to the movie, Tomlin also participated in obtaining the title, which will expand and explore different elements of the title.

Reeves are naturally involved, and will express the main character.

There will also be a lot of goods that head our way via IMG.

What does Justin Lynn do?

(L to P. Carl Urban and Zakari Quinto in

(L to the PBUH) Carl Urban and Zakari Quinto at “Star Trek Beyond”. Photo: Paramount Pictures.

Lin news that treats “Brzrkr” comes because he got some help from Reeves with his latest project.

After working for a few years in the wonderful field on many “fast” and “Star Trek Beyond” films, while also dealing with the episodes of “The True Investigation” and the “Magnum Pi” pilot, Lynn decided to return to his independent roots of a new movie called “The Last Days” for the replaced story John Allen Zhao, who was killed by the tribes in the tribes.

He was in the pre -production in the movie when the financing decreased, but then a specific “angel investor” was provided today: One K. Reeves.

Here is what Lin Kuolid told the film’s issues and Reeves’s entry to help:

“For a year, we thought we had our financing, and I met some people, and it turned out that this is not true. It is one of the darkest moments in which I felt,” I did my best. We tried. I really felt that (Sky Yang) was already preparing, and I loved, “Oh, I think that’s all …” Then Keanu summoned blue, and it is like, “I heard that you are facing some problems. I want help. It was very inspiring.”

The film was first shown in Sundance this year, but it has not yet confirmed the date of the release.

LIN is also attached to “Two Two The Money”, a theft film that Charles Theron and Daniel Craig attached and prepared in Apple.

When will the movie “Brzrkr” collide with our screens?

Netflix, which enjoys the rights of both the film and supports anime display, has not officially announced the date of launch.

But looking at the company, we will likely expect to see these servers hits their servers instead of obtaining a major theatrical version. Do not expect to see it before 2026, too.

(L to the PBUH)

(L to the PBUH) Garde Holinger and Kiano Reeves on the Rocco channel “Rua”. Photo: Rocco Channel.

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