The Samba School rises to the best league in Rio Carvele, which brings an economic boom to its poor residents

Rio de Janeiro – The carnival always breathes life in the VILA VINTEM economy, which is Vavilla on the western side of Rio de Janeiro, but this year is stronger with the Unidos de Padre Miguel Samba School, which dates back to the best procession of the procession in Samba for the first time in nearly 60 years.

As one of the 12-class Samba schools in Rio, UNIDOS De Padre Miguel will get fame, and perhaps even glory-all with more money to her community.

Last year, he competed in the second section, Badri Miguel received about 900,000 rites ($ 150,000) from the city hall, losing profitable care deals and revenues from television rights, pre -Carinal parties and ticket sales of Samba Fourth Schools. But their victory in a carnival last year got their place in the main event that begins on Sunday night.

This shift has sent the Badri Miguel budget this year more than ten times, to about 11 million passes (2 million dollars), including nearly two million parishes from the city, according to Vice President of the Samba School, Dr. Willie Parcho.

The school has already invested an important part of society, financing local seamstresses, carpets, and hackers for display settings.

VILA VINTEM is already suffering from positive effects. Many of the residents of the unemployed work in Vavilla that the Associated Press had bought smartphones and home appliances.

The new Padre Miguel headquarters will move on the verge of ending, rehearsals and other societal activities of the area similar to the barn, which was a vital center for society during the Covid-19s.

“Our Samba School has projects, it helps people, distributes food, and gives parties to our children,” said Luanna Borges, 42, and she determines details of several costumes, some of which carry the traditional red and white colors of the school.

“When the carnival comes, it provides opportunities for people like me,” said Borges, who used to be unemployed.

Almost all Samba schools are located in the working -class neighborhoods around the Rio urban area and compete against each other in the legendary Sambadrome procession. Favels usually associated with Rio to the dense hills neighborhoods, but it is also characterized by other geographical regions. The 14,000 VILA VINTEM has appeared almost a century ago on flat lands next to the railway under construction.

When I settled for the first time, it was said that the swamp area is not worth even “Vintem”, the cheapest currency at the time, closer to a penny. The contracts were passed before basic services arrived, and sometimes only after the residents agreed to do the work themselves.

Even with the clarity of the new carnival, Padre Miguel is still financially weak.

Parcho said that its most popular competitors do not depend on the city’s money, and they can bring up to $ 18 million (3 million dollars) at the corporate care account, goods sales, desired show sites and coverage fees for their parties before Carroll.

Badry Miguel employed almost all the local population, Parsho said that the wealthy Samba schools can spend more than a million rings, for example, on coaches and dancers, whose performance is one of the groups recorded by the judges.

“The sky is the maximum for some, but we are fighting,” said Brashu. “We were able to upgrade because we are investing in our employees, and we are working hard to enhance our creativity.”

Badri Miguel will be the first Samba School to be shown on Sunday night. Their procession will tell the story of Iyá nassô, the founder of the first area in Brazil for the Brazilian Afro Hroat.

Experts say that the best path for Samba Scapby Schools such as Padre Miguel to maintain its societal effect is to focus on avoiding landing, instead of following the best Carnival Award, as it reached 20 % of ticket revenues sold in the Champions processor, which occurs at the following weekend.

“There is no little chance for Samba School to win the title from the second section,” said Vantima Costa Dia, the main researcher at Samba University, such as (Badri Miguel).

Ingrid Lima Leal has worked in Padre Miguel for 15 years, and was shown with school for a longer period. The 66 -year -old says that creating job opportunities in VILA VINTEM and the presence in the world -famous offer is worth every year. She wants to see more next year – we hope you are still in the first section.

While sewing a white costume in the home workshop, Lille expressed the “amazing feelings” of the march in the show while wearing something that helped create it.

“The carnival brings a lot of jobs. Not only here, but everywhere.”


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