Many of us may think that maturity occurs naturally with our age, but this is not always the case. In fact, there are those who grow from adolescence to adulthood and never reach the same level of maturity as others of their age. Both sexes can be vulnerable to lack of emotional maturity, but if you are in a relationship with a man, it may make your reactions more difficult on a daily basis.
doctor. JanisThe licensed clinical psychologist and regional clinical coordinator at the center of the prosperous psychology defines emotional maturity as the ability of the person to identify, identify and express feelings with the additional benefit of knowing when to interact in exchange for responding to the emotions of others.
Christine Davor, PSY.DIt also introduced her definition of emotional maturity, saying that it is a matter of understanding and accepting our emotions without allowing them to control us while the ability to understand the feelings of others and sympathize with them.
“It is understood that life is full of doubts and harassment, but it is able to confront it flexibility,” she says.
Again, the behaviors that indicate emotional maturity are not exclusive to men, and this lack of maturity can be caused by shock, bad relationships, parental examples, neglect, or feelings of treason, says Dr. De Janes.
Dr. Davor explains, “If careership do not design a healthy emotional expression and conflict resolution, someone may not learn how to address or organize their emotions. Childhood neglect can also leave a person who feels emotionally unplanned and insecure.”
In addition, it says that the unenviable pain, such as a sorrow, can create emotional barriers and lead to emotionally ripening.
“For men, sexual stereotypes also play a big factor in emotionally immature survival,” Dr. Davor notes. “If men will be” strong “and not show that feelings can inhibit emotional expression and growth.”
Related: The people who grew up with the emotionally immature fathers often have these 12 adults, according to psychologists.
Why emotional maturity is important in the relationship?
Emotional maturity is crucial in the relationship. In the words of Dr. De Janis, emotional maturity is the mechanism that allows depth.
“With enough emotional maturity, you will develop confidence and weakness, and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for your partner.”
Dr. Davor also says that emotional maturity is important to be able to express ideas and feelings in a healthy way and manage conflicts without recklessly responding or closing.
“Emotional maturity helps us listen and verify each other’s health with the ability to set and respect borders,” she says.
Men who have not emotionally matured these ten behaviors without realizing them
1. Prepare with cheating
Dr. De Janis says that a person is often interested in cheating may be emotionally immature.
He says: “Excessive improvement in others and consider any action as an opportunity for their partner to cheat is a sign that they have not emotionally recovered from previous issues with others.”
2. It deviates and places the blame on others
Emotionally immature men, or any person in this regard, may blame others instead of taking responsibility for their actions. “This may come from fear of weakness or lack of self -awareness,” says Dr. Davor.
3. He raises his voice to get a point via
An emotionally immature partner may raise their voice to get a point in a dispute.
“People who are not accused of emotional conversations with logic are justifying their point of view using their voice size,” says Dr. De Janis. “In their minds, the highest is healthier. Some also believe that the investment of noise in the argument is the investment of love in the relationship.”
4. He faces difficulty in taking criticism
Dr. Davor says that in general, those who have no emotional maturity can be difficult to take criticism and may be angry or defensive when dealing with comments, even if it is constructive.
“They may go out, close, or reject the reactions,” she says. “This could be because immigrantly immature men often associate the value of the self because they are” right “, so criticism appears to be a personal attack.”
5. Bad behavior is justified using past events and concerted strikes
Does your partner use past events and the perception is surprised to justify their current bad behavior? Then you may be emotionally immature.
“A person who cannot abandon the past or hold the real or imagined lines of the past is not emotionally mature enough to be in a romantic relationship or otherwise.”
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6. He has a difficult time with emotional conversations
“The emotionally immature men may have difficulty engaging in talks about emotions,” says Dr. Davor. “They may withdraw, silence, or avoid the topic completely to avoid discomfort. Men who do this lack the tools needed to address or express their emotions.”
7. Caully from the emotional distance
If an emotionally immature person realizes that there may be some emotional distance with his partner, he may become “emotionally grew up,” says Dr. De Janes. This can include the material distance.
“You must be allowed to take a trip without your partner and celebrate it.” “The desire for continuous communication or verification only means that there is no security that has not been overcome yet.”
8. He behaves on emotions without thinking
Dr. Davor says that people who are not emotionally mature may act on emotions without thinking about the consequences, known as impulsive decisions.
“This behavior usually comes from self -regulation, which makes it difficult to stop and respond carefully,” she explained.
9. Leave the confrontations before reaching a decision
Your partner may tend to leave the confrontations before there is a decision, and he has no intention to continue the conversation at a later time. This can be a sign of emotional ripeness.
“The lack of comfort in the confrontation means that they prefer to avoid all confrontation instead of admitting that they are wrong. Even when someone is right in a dispute, the pressures of confrontation raises a person from re -entering the topic,” says Dr. De Janes.
10. You seek continuous verification
According to Dr. Davor, uninterrupted individuals may seek emotionally to constantly verify others and rely heavily on the approval of others or are upset if they do not receive praise. “This may be due to low self -esteem and a backward feeling,” she says.
Related: 7 signs that were brought up by an emotionally immature father, according to a psychologist
How do you deal with a person who is not emotionally mature?
Although it may be frustrated to be in a relationship with a person who is not emotionally mature, remember that you love them and that their lack of emotional maturity may be due to the unfortunate events in her past that were out of their control. For this reason it is necessary to be patience with them, says Dr. De Janes.
“It is difficult to develop emotional maturity, but as soon as you do this, benefits can be like a great ripple effect, benefit everyone in your life”, and this can be helped through your patience.
Dr. Davor says that if the emotional ripeness is too much, it may be time to assess the relationship. She tells these questions to ask yourself: Is the relationship healthy and satisfactory to you? Do you meet your needs? Do you feel respect, appreciation and support?
“It is important to think about whether the relationship is worth investing in,” she says. “If you decide this, set clear limits to protect your emotional well -being. Contact frankly and frankly using” I “phrases and avoid blame.
You can also gently encourage your partner to think about their behavior, but Dr. Davor warns against assuming the “therapist” or trying to “repair them.”
“Although it is natural and natural to take care of someone and you want to help him, you cannot change it,” she asserts.
In conclusion, Dr. Davor says he is undoubtedly draining to deal with an emotionally immature individual. “Know when to walk away and take time to take care of yourself. Your needs are equally important.”
Until the following:
Related: 7 phrases that they are never used with an emotional emotional person, according to psychologists
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