Pigs will be left to starve in a controversial art exhibition in Denmark

An artist in Denmark aims to increase awareness of the suffering caused by the production of modern pigs, with an artistic installation that opened on Friday, which includes three pigs that will be deprived of food and water and will starve to death.

Marco Evarette, born in Chile, leaves controversy to praise a point about treating pigs in Denmark, where about 25,000 boys die daily as a result of the conditions in which they are raised.

The central exhibition at the exhibition “and you” care “for Copenhagen is a temporary cage created with shopping carts that contain three pigs. With the opening of the exhibition on Friday evening, they were still fine, but they will not get food and drink, and it can be expected to die from hunger within a few days.

Evaristti says on its Instagram page that the exhibition “confrontation with the bloody reality of Denmark” in the slaughterhouses, and that it urges people to reduce their meat’s consumption and support agriculture that improves animal care.

Denmark, the largest and oldest animal care organization in Denmark, says it is grateful for the interest of Evarestte with the problem, but it does not agree with the way he wants to transfer it.

“We fully understand the discontent,” said Bergit Dam, the official spokesman for the organization. “But we do not agree that three pigs, three individual living organisms, must be taken and prevent drinking until they die. It is illegal and animal use is offended.”

She said: “The fact that thousands every day in the industry do not make it true.” But she also praised the artist to ask “big questions about who we are human beings or want to be, and what we do to his fellow creatures in the name of huge amounts of cheap meat produced by the collective.”

DAMM explained that SOWS is raised in the manufacture of Danish pigs to produce about 20 boys at one time, but it has only 14 candy, forcing pigs to compete for breast milk, and lead to the hunger of many. She said that about 25,000 boys die every day of hunger or as a result of the conditions in which they are held in Denmark.

It is not the first controversial project for Evaristti.

One of his golden projects included in the mixers, which tempts viewers to press the button and create a golden soup.

In 2006, he used some body fat that was removed by liposuction to prepare meat balls, then ate some of them.

This project, which is called “Polpette Al Grasso Di Marco” as a criticism of people who consume and then buy their way to liposuction, and at the same time an attempt to overcome the taboos from eating human meat.

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