Skin care routine: the best 3 cosmetic rules

I may have a moderate obsession with skin care. I go back to that. I am completely interested when it comes to sponsoring my skin. It is really the only thing you’ll do/you can do it every day for the rest of your life to keep you look better! For me personally, the presence of good skin is less important than wearing sunken clothes. I have a strong intuition that you also feel the same way.

As a style coach, I find it important to help my client achieve the best comprehensive appearance. Often when I meet customer training for the first time, I see that there are three missing steps in the skin care routine. I help them merge these steps and I personally see amazing results from them. Here are the steps, in any specific order, I personally do a week/daily and recommend me to merge into the skin care routine as well.

  1. Place in the morning and night under the cream as the last step of the skin care system. The skin surrounding your eyes is more sensitive than the rest of your face, so you have to pay special attention to it in order to moisturize and care for it. You can never start early when it comes to sponsoring your eyes. It is great for all ages because it is preventive and correct. Put your finger with the ring because it contains less muscle tension and less likely to pull the delicate skin around your eyes. When choosing a cream under the eye, look for one that meets your needs – signs, bloating, fine lines, etc. The person I use personally is by Skinceuticals, who is complicated by the eyes. You can buy it locally in Birmingham in skin diseases or click on the image below: skiing2. Peel your face and your entire body – Physically or chemically peeling removes dead and faded skin cells. According to, “the skin is constantly operated, as new cells are born in the lower level (dermis) and send them to replace dead skin cells on the top layer (skin). With our age, the cell rotation process slows down. The cells begin to collect unevenly on the surface of the skin that can lead to dry spots and unlimited appearance. Through peeling, we can help remove dead skin cells, and detection About the younger small cells below and restore the natural clarity of the skin. “This is a step that is often ignored by my client, but it can make a big difference when it is combined weekly into your routine.

There are two types of manual and chemical exfoliation, and both can be done at home.

  • The skin brushing is a great way to exfoliate The entire body. Use it weekly before bathing. It removes dead skin, and also helps the lymphatic system to work properly. It even helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and change your skin tone. My favorite skin brush is by Zen Me .. Check the style advice video on how to properly use the skin brush here.Skin brush
  • For chemical peeling at home, I use retinol. This is something that I use several times a week before night before bed as a means of peeling between Dermaples, which is one of the most preferred monthly domains in village skin diseases. It helps homogeneous your skin tissue, as well as remove fine lines and changes. This is the person I personally use that I bought from village skin diseases (click a shopping image).RetinolAnother product in the house I use to exfoliate once a month is Glyco peel. Below is my favorite product (click a shopping image). It is expensive but one bottle lasts for a long time as it has a long run. It seems that my skin was just the face watch after only one use! I also loved Cholley’s skin care products, just look at it and take it from me as it is incredibly good.Village skin diseases in the skin care routine
  • Dermaplaning is my preferred monthly treatment in village skin diseases. It is best to do it by a professional beauty specialist who knows how to use the straight edge haircuts to remove dead skin cells and soft baby hair on your face and neck. It removes these particles that literally prevent skin care products from absorbing them in your skin and really works. Without peeling your face, you waste money on skin care products because they are unable to penetrate the deeper layers of your skin. Watch the Tip My Style video here where he explains the village leather diseases and the process appears!

3. SPF application every day! SPF not only when you are in the sun, it is for every day; Even days when it rains or cloudy. I use a colored moisturizer on my face and neck daily. This is especially important if you are using retinol. This is the person I use personally and loved by Guerlain (click Shopping Photo):

Skin care routine

  • Also use a body moisturizer with SPF in it because your face is not the only part of your body that gets exposure to the sun. This is the person I use personally by Alba Botanica (click Shopping Photo):

Body moisturizer with SPF

Do you want more skin care tips and help training? Keep in mind that you become a member of the SYC Association, where you will have a pattern coach within your reach and receive countless evidence and videos based on your budget, body type and age. Click below to learn more!

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