“It is funny how much memory I suffer from the balloons that arose,” said DJ Moro, one of the greatest balloon artists in the United States. “It seems as if he was constantly around me, I didn’t notice them.” They were, that is, like air.
Morrow, 29, lives in a small apartment in Houston, and makes his livelihood as a video of a wedding. But his real passion, which moved from his parents, is balloons. This passion has turned into a profession to create a quick blowing sculptures, unlike those that were seen on the birthday of the child’s model.
One of the living room/Morrow workshop is taken by plastic boxes that contain its hand pumps, tape measures, and thousands of thousands of balloons, which are organized by the color. During a visit in January, he sat in an approximate draft of his latest piece in the middle of the room: a normal -size girl in a blue dress that carries a German sponsor floundering by the steering wheel. Each muscle group of the dog was tight, planned in aggression. Her teeth were burning and her yellow eyes appeared from her face. The girl’s face was a mask of panic.
Moro said that the piece, titled “The Long Night Takes Hold”, “puts a picture of the general deficit that I was feeling with the incoming administration”, Mohok Al -purple has been invaded with the heroic hairdresser.
On a large TV screen it was a picture of a dead pregnancy, on its side, stained with blood. The final composition will become its neck to the dog jaws.
Moreo also worked, the room is full of the breast. To re -create the dead lamb, it exaggerated the long white balloons. The twist began, the eyes are on the screen, hold hands and amplifying balloons smoothly like Archer drawing an arrow from a quiet.
Slowly, the shape of the load is began to crystallize. As tomorrow is twisted and marina, sometimes it has emerged, a head grew.
Morrow is part of a very small cadre of balloon artists who seek to use the means to express deep. For Moro, his enlarged journey began in Rio de Janeiro, where he was born, before moving to Taiwan and then Houston.
His parents were members of the family of God (now called the international family), the worship founded by the grandfather of the Great Moro, David Berg, in 1968. Both worked with balloons. His mother, under the name of Miss Sun Shine, is still doing. His father developed latex sensitivity and had to quit smoking. (“This scares me,” Moro said.)
At the age of 16, Moro began learning how to distort his mother. After two weeks, he had learned its ammunition from swords, hats, dogs and bears – “standard law of the nineties.” Hungry for more, he started a multiple balloons experience in one piece. Soon the work of Matt Fallon and Robert Appleeard, Balon’s visions, were discovered that they developed systems to create wide sculptures. “Being a large part of the sect’s culture, so I really started to expand my balloon’s knowledge quickly,” Moro said. (Morrows left worship in 2012; DJ is now known as an atheist.)
In 2019, Morrow distributed a normal sculpture to a sad clown, his first invasion of inflatable heirs. She was inspired by his inner life.
He said, “I was dealing with a lot of depression, but, as an artist, I was constantly pressing to put a happy face.” For the first time, he canceled the insurance of my balloon gravity.
The piece has not been widely seen. But later that year, when he created a large version of Saturn Saturn, devouring his son “and posted it to Reda, he became the best post on the website. “The fact that the matter reached the first number, he really opened my eyes to the strength of being technically real,” he said. Soon, Moro wrapped the balloons to a large recreation of Francis Bacon, “The study after Velaskwiz’s image of the innocent Pope X” with the replacement of Clarence Thomas.
Since then, Moro has installed large -scale exhibitions, including one at the Jong Center in Houston, “Out of the Strong Something Sweet”, which explored his childhood as a member of worship and was distinguished by the samson wrestling balloon with a lion.
“He represented all the good things that came out of my upbringing,” Moro said. “I was trying to save the good from the experience, as Samson found honey in the lion’s body.”
Those pieces, like all its sculptures, began to decompose once they are finished. Maintaining balloons is not possible. “It will be like embalming a body,” he said. (Moro sells prints from his photos on his website. Special versions range between $ 300 and $ 600.)
He said, working on the ingenuity of the dead pregnancy, but he admitted that he is “financially, not the greatest” that he is wonderfully enriched. “
(Tagstotranslate) Balls (T) Art (T) Sculpture (T) Handicrafts
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