“The Empire”: Star Tangled

We discover us in a hunting village in northern France to watch a war outside the planet to control mankind.

However, what appears to be less space opera is less than the mitigmile farce – a sarcastic “stars war” of increasing confidence and decreasing fun. Since two foreign races are known as one and Zero competing for his mastery of a handful of non -exceptional local population, the Dumont scenario raises simplified concepts of good and evil in a conspiracy that does not go anywhere except – literally – below its black hole.

Until then, we feel our attention by young women wearing slim clothes: Line (Lyna Khoudri), Part Demon and All Pout, which prefers to reach the sun’s rays in the bare; And Jane (anamaria vartolomei) is a beautiful foreign princess that controls the bikini. (One gets the impression, not dumidly uncommon with Oeuvre of Russhe Meer.) Both women are incomprehensible by Jony Surly Surplety (Brandon VLIEGHE), which is a evil zero and father of a devil child who should be killed before puberty – a stage that parents will agree, and can even turn to human lengthening.

This science science fiction, quietly framed by the circulating sand dunes and pieces of the crystal coast (depicted by David Chambille), eventually tested our patience. Lightsaber Tomofolery and Lynchian Interdes-Like a strange music scene that includes a clown foreign leader (Fabrice Luchini) and Kamilieg-Zin Domone embarrassing to live on the ground and the owner of the stars. The symbolism of the Church versus the state in the design of the competing mother ships is a great touch.

With a little change and alteration, the “The Empire” could have been a triangle of entertaining, entertaining love, as it tries to arm the “natural translation”. Nevertheless, given The quantities of the tongue participating in every abnormal meeting, I expect dehydration to be a much greater threat than the foreign invasion.

It was not classified. In French, with translations. Running time: 1 hour 50 minutes. In theaters.

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