As sea level continues to rise due to high global temperatures, California residents face a difficult decision on giving up their coastal homes.
What is happening?
As the local Santa Cruz explained, the local governments throughout the California coast are required under the state law to prepare for the rise in sea level in the coming decades. Unfortunately, “the process was not easy” in Santa Cruz County, where the coastal population and business owners should consider the possibility of leaving the area.
The director described a potential strategy to decline as “controversial”, noting “a wide reactionary reaction against the coastal committee and the overthrow of the city’s mayor” after the town of Basifica gradually suggested plans to respond from the ocean. It has been observed that Santa Cruz “may get her first taste to decline in the next five years”, where there are plans to transport the road about 50 internal feet.
However, the preparation for change has proven difficult, as the statements of the state bills that would have provided local governments have been causing low -use loans to purchase coastal property from private landowners by Governor Gavin in 2021 and 2023 due to funding concerns.
While Tiffany Al-Hakim-West, the sustainability and flexibility employee in the city of Santa Cruz said that there are no new immediate plans for the city to explore a purchase program that would affect the population to retreat, and indicated that things may change quickly.
“Indeed, there are great and difficult discussions in the future,” Wise West told the local Santa Cruise.
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Why is this important?
Creating a warming climate is an irreplaceable situation for coastal societies and ecosystems around the world.
The burning of dirty energy sources results in heat pollution, which causes high temperatures and oceans to heating at rapid rates. This can lead to the melting of ice panels and ice rivers, which leads to a significant rise in sea level.
The warmer climate also provides favorable conditions for storms and floods to become more frequent and intense.
Santa Cruise local local curtains were martyred with the ocean protection council for planning for “an estimated 3-7 feet of sea level rise by 2100.” However, it will take only five feet from sea level rise to overwhelm many of the city’s beaches.
What is done about this?
In addition to the potential retreat strategy, Santa Cruz Province will also explore ways to defend the coast with marine walls or other structures, homes and buildings against emerging tides. However, Climate Change analyst Kelcy Daclo noted that it is not easy to find a balance between all strategies.
“The issue of this planning process is, what is the set of strategies of these groups logical now? What will be logical over time? How does it turn over time?” Daclo said to the local Santa Cruise. “There is no single answer or silver bullet.”
It is important to remain aware of critical climate issues to help reduce your contributions to global temperatures. The efforts made to reduce pollution and switch to clean and renewable energy sources are decisive in slowing the rise in sea levels and protecting coastal societies.
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